
With Silos I concentrate on the verbalization of our recollections. I want to investigate, whether the phenomenon of memory escapes language altogether and whether one can talk about memories without employing the concept of forms and colours. I want to utilize this topic of transformation as my method. I am deeply interested in the in-betweens, where one condition changes into another, thought is converted into sound, and memory transitions from image to object and vice versa.

I conducted interviews, where the interview partners only described the visual aspects of their memories, such as the shapes and colors they saw. These served as the basis for my own creation of shapes. By creating a visual code illustrating memories, I am building a visual representation of a language area. My assumption is that language affects not only identity but also memory.

Silos shown at: Jahresausstellung Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur, CH, 2023 solo show Silos at Baustelle Schaustelle, Essen, DE, 2023, group show Into Distance at Kunsthaus Essen, DE, 2023, group show Annihilation at Ohsh Projects Central in London, UK, 2023.



