Morphing Memory
In December 2019 I took a photograph of a glass vessel from the Wellcome Collection in London. Having lost the single image showing it in its entirety, I merely found close-ups of it and was unfortunately unable to revisit the site. I attempted to reassemble the image of the vessel from memory. Although in possession of all the necessary fragments, I was unable to accurately depict the vessel. Instead, I started to generate new forms, new memories. My work Morphing Memory consists of two examples of the recreation of the vessel made with ceramics, pigments, spray paint and transfers. The images themselves depict beetles and their wings, where I subtly altered the anatomy of each beetle morphing it into a phantastic creature. All these transformations allow the forms to shift and the narrations to be altered as time goes by.
The beetles and wings I drew, are altered drawings based on Armin Coray’s scientific illustrations.
The work Morphing Memory was shortlisted for the Ingram Prize 2021.

Morphing Memory, 2021, ceramics, transfer, pigment, 46.5x34cm and 43x41cm

Morphing Memory, 2021, detail, ceramics, transfer, pigment, 46.5x34cm

Morphing Memory, 2021, detail, ceramics, transfer, pigment, 46.5x34cm

Morphing Memory, 2021, ink on paper, altered drawings of beetles based on Armin Coray’s scientific illustrations

Morphing Memory, 2021, detail, ceramics, transfer, pigment, 43x41cm

Morphing Memory, 2021, detail, ceramics, transfer, pigment, 43x41cm